(*****) Very Good (****) Good (***) Ok (**) Poor (*) Not Worth Watching

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Eagle Eye (12A)

I had a low expectation when I saw this film so I think because of that I was pleasantly surprised by this film. The film is about two people not connected to each other in any way, who get forced to work together for someone who keeps calling them on their mobile phones! If they do not complie with the phones instructions then each will have to pay a price. As in all good action films there are plenty of chase scenes and explosions. The film copied many ideas from other films, whilst watching I saw elements of Hitchcock's "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and a major part of the plot was copied from "I Robot". It was a very predictable story.

The Film gets (***)


Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Hi Gerry check out Into the Great Silence. I might have it so you could borrow it...


Jackie Parkes MJ said...

silence.jpg picture by kjk76_93

Step into the riveting silence of Philip Groning’s stunning new documentary on the spirituality of Carthusian monks. Filmed without narration and very little dialogue at the Monastery of the Grand Chartreuse in France, Mr. Groning captures the brimming vitality of monastic life and the overpowering sound of God.

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

