(*****) Very Good (****) Good (***) Ok (**) Poor (*) Not Worth Watching

Friday, 10 October 2008

Tropic Thunder (15)

I enjoyed this film from start to finish! It began with fake trailers and ended with a very silly dance! Directed and starring Ben Stiller this is a comedy about a bunch of actors thrown into a real war situation whilst they think they are still just making a movie! It satires actors and Vietnam war films and to a certain extent the actors themselves! My favourite scene is when Tom Cruise does a very silly dance, I wonder how much they paid him to do it! Robert Downy Jr provides some very entertaining moments as he plays an actor trying to be a streotypical Black man!

The Film gets (****)


Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Ben Stiller is bi-polar too!

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Check out Terry Nelson at Abbey Roads with his review of Wall St


Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Check out Fr Dwight's blog & film review http://gkupsidedown.blogspot.com/2008/10/signs.html