(*****) Very Good (****) Good (***) Ok (**) Poor (*) Not Worth Watching

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Inkheart (PG)

An interesting fantasy film about a man and his daughter, who when they read aloud the story comes to life. It stars Brendan Frasier as the father in search of his lost wife, who incidentally is stuck in a book, for the rule is "when a character comes out of the book someone goes in!" The beginning is a little confusing and I think that the film would have been better if it had been in chronological order. The ending was very good but it was fairly obvious what was going to happen. An entertaining family film.

The film gets (***)

The Day The Earth Stood Still (12A)

It was a dull remake! The film had so much potential but failed on most fronts. There were some visually stunning scenes and the cyclops robot was very well done, but even this couldn't save the film! Keanu Reeves gave a very dead-pan performance which could be seen as OK as he was playing an alien, Jennifer Connely on the other hand had no excuse for her miserable acting. The film has a political message about saving the environment, which in this day and age we really aught to think about doing!

The film gets (**)

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Body Of Lies (15)

A film by Ridley Scott, starring an unshaven Leonardo Di Caprio and Russell Crowe. Firstly I was pleased that the trailer for the film did not spoil the plot, which is often the case. I found the film too long for me and the story not engaging enough. Last year saw the release of the film "Rendition", I found Rendition a much better film. It had moments where I felt the film was improving but then it soon died down!

The film gets (**)

Sorry for not blogging recently

The past few weeks I've been busy with University work and I have been concentrating hard on my studies. Over the christmas period I hope to blog a bit more!